速報APP / 遊戲 / 坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike

坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Osiris International Cayman Limited, Suite #4-210, Govemors Square, 23 Lime Tree Bay Avenue, PO Box 32311, Grand Cayman KY1-1209, Cayman Islands

坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike(圖1)-速報App



- 12種坦克讓你有不一樣的駕駛體驗

- 六大戰役讓你可以體驗到世界大戰的緊張感

坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike(圖2)-速報App

- 無需聯網,在任何地方都可以參與到戰爭中來

- 3D坦克大戰的各種攻擊和卓越的打擊感在等著你


Defeat the enemy combat vehicles, capture their bases and conquer the world in Tank Strike now! Tank Strike is the #1 epic and explosive 3D tank battle game available on Google Play.

坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike(圖3)-速報App

It’s a time of war, pilot! Enemy forces are swarming across the borders, and their nefarious fleet of tanks is everywhere in our country. Jump into a tank, roll into the battle fields, fire from your tank gun and blow away anything in your sights! You will need strong courage and careful strategy to rule in each lighting fast battle.

Game Features:

- Stunning 3D graphics and intuitive touch screen controls

- 12+ powerful tanks representing the United States, Germany and the USSR

坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike(圖4)-速報App

- 60+ challenging levels spanning from snowy mountains to desert caves to rural countryside

坦克衝擊 - Tank Strike(圖5)-速報App